I am having a problem with Live365 and ShoutCast. This problem started
today.  Prior to today I have had no problem connecting to either of
these services.  All other internet based connections work fine.

Did you update your slimserver today? What exact version are you running? And what was the previous release you were successfully using?

If you didn't change anything on your side, chances are there was a networking problem.

Live365 gives me a log-in error. My username and password are correct.

Did you re-enter it to be sure?

Shout Cast gives me a website not found error from the Squeezebox. From
the slim server interface I get the following "There was an error
parsing the stream information. Try reducing the number of streams if
you've set a great number. (2)"

Did you follow this advice? This error usually happens when there's a station submitting information which is breaking the XML's structure (mostly badly encoded non latin characters). Pretty often these are little popular streams. In reducing the number of total streams you can get rid of that station, resulting in a clean XML file.

I am using the latest beta from the download page and I am using the
latest firmware update.

6.5 or 6.2.2? Don't mess with 6.5 if you're not ready to live with some bugs. It's still considered experimental.



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