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ebag4 Wrote: 
> I apoligize if this has been answered elsewhere but I did a search and
> could not find it.  
> Over the last few years I have used PC based audio.  Because of this my
> database has been put together over time.  One of my previous front ends
> used bitmap files for album art.  Is there a way to get the Nokia 770
> skin to recognize bitmap files?
> Thanks,
> Ed

slimserver wants jpg's. AFAIK, this is a server task, not a skin task.
I'd consider trying to convert your bmps to jpgs. bmp, IMO, is a really
lame image format anyway.

>From Server Settings->Interface->Artwork:
"Images of album artwork, when available, are displayed when viewing an
album or song information. Artwork images are found in the ID3 tags for
individual songs or can reside in the same folder as song files. By
default, images named "cover.jpg", "albumartsmall.jpg", "folder.jpg",
"album.jpg", or "thumb.jpg" are used. You can specify an additional
file name to use for album art images. You can specify different file
names for thumbnail or full size images. Prefix the option with % and
you can follow it with any string made up of the same elements
available for Title Formats (eq %ARTIST - ALBUM, will look for Artist -
Album.jpg to fit the artist and album information found."

that certainly implies JPG is the format you need.


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