Kyle wrote:
Most boomboxes sell for, I'd guess, $150 to $250.  A Slim boombox would
be starting with a $300 streaming component and then you would have to
add speakers, an amplifier and maybe CD and radio, too.  Knowing the
quality audio that Slim Devices likes to deliver, I doubt this would be
entry-level equipment.  So you're probably talking about, what, a $600+
boombox?  Is there a market for such a device?  Or are my cost
assumptions incorrect?  I would think they'd be taking a big chance on
such a product.

My target setup is a $300 Squeezebox with a $200-$300 pair of powered speakers. So a Squeezeboombox that costs $500-$600 is in range with what I'm doing now, only integrated.

I do want an FM tuner, I don't want a CD player, I don't want output jacks if they're going to increase the cost, I do want a remote (the shipping one, not something running its own OS).

Speaking of FM tuners, if the NBT is an integrated Slimserver platform, slap a FM Tuner in that too. It's stupid to stream Internet radio of a station that's broadcasting through your window.

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
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