kyleki wrote:
I run slimserver on the Linux side of a dual boot machine.  Sometimes I
do boot into Windows which leaves my SB2 display blank until I boot
back to Linux.  The machine is always running, but not always in a
'slim-friendly' way. ;-)

The main reason I don't also run slimserver from the Windows side is
all the music is currently stored on a logical volume under Fedora Core
4, which Windows can't mount/see.  Plus, I'd really hate to deal with
running perl under Windows... yuck!

Perl is fine on Windows -- a bit annoying to deal with the filename conversion issues until you realize you should use / instead of \, otherwise it's no biggie. I haven't seen any performance difference. I don't run Slimserver on Windows because my Windows boxes are all laptops, but I do write Perl scripts on Windows.

Jack at Monkeynoodle dot Org: It's a Scientific Venture...
Riding the Emergency Third Rail Power Trip Since 1996

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