Well, as soon as I moved the SB back to its usual room I was again
unable to gain a connection to the DG834PN.  Sat them next to eachother
and connections were hit-and-miss at best (and no WPA security).

Netgear finally exhausted suggestions and assume unit is faulty.  My
supplier is prepared to take it back for refund so that's my likely
course of action.

Linksys replaced my WAG54G under warranty with a v2 model.  At present,
this seems to be OK both next to the SB and when the SB is returned to
its usual room downstairs.

I suspect either a faulty router (although it worked perfectly with the
companion PC card) or a flawed implementation of MIMO or WPA .

Anyway, I'm reasonably happy again!  It's been a frustrating 3 weeks!

goldnet's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4191
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