tom permutt Wrote: 
> I take it you are thinking of having the books "read aloud," rather than
> scrolled on the SqueezeBox display.  If so, yes, there is active work on
> "text-to-speech" programs, both commercially and in the free software
> community.  Once you know that "text-to-speech" is the accepted jargon,
> you should have no trouble finding information on it.
> And, of course, there are several sources of recordings of human beings
> reading books.  Some are in formats that can be easily transcoded to
> something SqueezeBox will play, others less so.

Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear. I would like to see the text scrolled on
the display. I thought maybe if there was a way to convert .txt files
into RSS feeds, that might work. Haven't found a way to do that.

And to respond to the other poster, I was envisioning a Squeezebox in a
waiting room, not portable (though that would be cool).

Sam Lowry
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