> Dr. L, I miss the background.  Are we going to get it back?  Great work
> on the improvements.

Ta, yup, i'll pop it back in the next version..

> Any chance the icon pause setting could be remembered across sessions?
> I keep forgetting to turn it on, so it doesn't work, so my music is
> still blasting out when the I go to answer the phone...

Ah heck, it's meant to remember the setting - there's even code.. I'll
fix this..

> Would it be possible to make the delete key delete the currently
> selected track in the playlist as it is a pain to have to go up to the
> menu every time. Also is it going to be possible to allow multiple selections.

Yup, both of these should be in the next version.. Multi-selection deletion
is currently working quite well.. Multi-selection drag needs a little more work
I think..

- Dr Lovegrove
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