kdf Wrote: 
> works for me.  tan and grey should both be available in 6.2.2 and are
> most certainly still being supported in 6.5.
> -k
Oh, OK. So, I thought I'd reinstall it. I renamed my SlimServer HTML
directory, stopped the server, cleared my browser's cache, downloaded
the the latest 6.22 nightly, unzipped it and put the HTML sub-directory
in the correct place in my SlimServer installation directory (noticing
that there was no sub-folder called FisahboneTan or FishboneGray
included). So when I opened up the SlimServer web-interface and found
that FishboneTan (or Gray) was not listed as an available skin I was
not too surprised.

I'm not too sure what to do now. I put my old HTML folder back and
tried replacing SongInfo.html from my FishboneTan directory with the
same file from my Fishbone directory, but when I looked at the Song
Info page it was just white (not even Tan) and blank.

If FishboneTan is included in 6.5 maybe I should upgrade to that (I am
assuming that I could not just take the Fishbone Tan directory from the
6.5 zip file and add it to my 6.22 HTML directory), although I have no
idea how stable and bug-free it is yet (or even if it will be OK on my
quite underpowered SlimServer PC)?

BTW. My Fishbone Tan was riginally supplied by MeSue (I think she gave
me a/some style sheet(s) and I had to do a little html editing). I'm
not certain whether it has ever been included in the 6.22 release.


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