I got my SB3 a few days and also had problems connected to slimserver.
Don't know if this will help your particular case, but it might help
someone in the future, so I'll post it anyway.

Symptoms - SB3 seemed to set itself up fine both via ethernet and
wirelessly. It obtained a proper IP address. I could ping it from my
Slimserver PC. But it wouldn't link up - it just hung on 'Connecting to
Slimserver'. From the router lights I could see that it was talking to
the Slimserver PC (and slim.exe was using increased CPU time) but it
just wouldn't connect. Strangely, it connected to Squeezenetwork quite

I tried every combination of everything I could think of, turned off
all encryption, deactivated my PC's firewall, my router's firewall,
etc. Still nothing. Searched the forums for any clues. Was tearing my
hair out.

About 5 torturous hours later, I stumbled across a post by (IIRC)
Michael Herger where he mentioned the 'blocking' control on Slimserver.
I'd installed SS on my new server a couple of months ago, well before
the arrival of my SB3, and being the sort who verges on paranoia over
such matters, had enabled the 'block access except for these IPs'
setting. *Of course, I'd completely forgotten to go back in and add the
IP address my new SB3 was now occupying.* Which is presumably why
SlimServer was ignoring my SB3's repeated plaintive entreaties to
connect. Oh, how I laughed hysterically!

In hindsight, it wasn't such a bad thing, because I underwent a crash
course in wireless networking (first time I'd tried it) and configuring
my router - irrelevant as it all turned out to be, it was good to learn
a bit about such things. However, given this is a rather elementary yet
maddening mistake, I wonder if it might be worth including in the SS
FAQ, or something? I suppose I should add it to the Wiki myself. Has
anyone contemplated doing some kind of 'Troubleshooting wizard' for all
this sort of stuff?

(PS - thanks Michael, you saved my sanity that night ;)

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