drhanso Wrote: 
> Almost all of my  albums are played correctly. Only some are
> 'different'. So if an album consists of song '1. my first song' as
> track one and '2.my second song' as track 2, it should play track 1 and
> then track 2. Why does it not work for a few albums with SlimServer?
> AND they get displayed in the correct order on the left half of the
> SlimServer browser window, but as soon as I add them to the playlist on
> the right side, they are 'reshuffled' somehow. But only for a few
> albums.
> The tags should be ok as iTunes plays them ok.
> -Hans

Well, if only "some" of your albums misbehave in this way, there must
be something different about them!

And don't assume that just because iTunes plays them ok, that there
isn't something odd about the tags.  You really should have a good look
at the tags with mp3tag.

For example, if these are MP3 files, and you have both ID3v1 and ID3v2
tags present, Slimserver gets confused and may well behave differently
from iTunes.

What file type is it?

Are you browsing by Music Folder, or by Artist/Album?

Is "shuffle by album" turned off?

Keep talking, we'll get you sorted out soon enough!


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