(I know you might not like it but) I use iTunes to manage my music
library.  All my compilations (and some albums that are not
compilations but list the songwriter as Artist) are marked as
compilations in iTunes tags..

I have slimserver setup to use the iTunes plugin and set the options to
group compilations, and to show albumns by band rather than artist.. 
worked a treat.. showed all compilations under Various Artists just as
it does in iTunes.

The next morning I turned on my Squeezebox and all the artists from my
compilation albums were back in my browse by artist lists.. and Various
Artists disappeared..    No matter what settings I use now.. I cant get
it to group them again. (I have the Rescan Music Library plugin set to
rescan at 02:00 every morning)

Very Odd that I managed to get it to work and then it just stopped.. I
wish I could remember what I changed.. 

Tried clearing and rescanning..  tried stopping slimserver and
restarting, then clearing and scanning..

will keep fiddling and report back.. something will work eventually.

bigjules's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4805
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