On 27-Apr-06, at 9:56 PM, tonymuffin wrote:

Ok...this is special... http://slimserverIP:9000/log.txt returns, page
cannot be displayed.

yes, that is for watching it when the server is running, and you do need to use your proper IP address in place of slimserverIP (all of this you could get from a search of the forum, btw)

c:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe --logfile
c:\myfreakinglog.txt.... does absolutely nothing....

it won't until you use the server, since it is writing everything to a logfile instead of to the command line. This isn't new stuff.

I've also suggested the event viewer, assuming you are using windows. Please report on what you find in relation to slim.exe or slimserver.

you've been asked twice what OS you are using, but you have only barked at everyone instead of answering. Please fill in this blank.

If you are not on windows, and in fact are using linux, try looking for /tmp/slimserver.log (default log for rpm installation)


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