Davidy80 Wrote: 
> Hi Geoff,
> Just tried both of your suggestions to no avail, but thanks anyway.
> This PDA runs Windows Mobile 5. When I point it to slimserver it tells
> me that it cannot connect using my current network settings. As far as
> I can see, the only thing I could change would be to set up the
> connection as a VPN - but I don't understand why that should apply
> here.
> The screen on the MDA Pro supports VGA resolution (640 x 480), so I
> don't think resolving the page in IE is the problem.
> Unfortunately, without downloading some utilities it doesn't even give
> me the capability to ping the server, but pinging the PDA from the
> server and the other two PC's on the network works fine.
> For the moment I'm stumped.

This might be a dumb suggestion but when entering the address are you
explicitly entering http:// at the beginning of it?  I know IE requires
this for addresses where you specify a port, whereas neither opera nor
firefox care.

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