How specifically did you determine this?  Not that I doubt you, I'm just

I'm wondering what purpose it would serve the ISP.  Did they do this to
try to block P2P?  If it's a conscious decision meant to block access in
certain ways, sounds like corporate censorship.

It could definitely happen here.  In the U.S., one ISP was blocking
VoIP ports so that it could sell its own VoIP service.  Here in Canada,
there are only two major national ISPs thanks to our wonderful love of
monopolies.  If one instituted a policy like this, you'd have no choice
but to go to the other, and if they both did it, you'd be SOL.

The so-called "independent" ISPs around here just buy bandwidth from
the big two so that wouldn't help either.

Nice to have corporate fatcats decide what you can and can't listen to
and see, and you pay them for the privilege.

Mark Lanctot
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