cepheid Wrote: 
> On another thread, there seems to be disagreement
> about this at least as it relates to ALAC decoding.  It would appear
> that the FLAC bug and the ALAC bug are separate (though they may be
> related).
> Fuseball, this is the first I've heard of it happening with AAC and
> MP3... however, you are aware those are not designed for gapless
> playback, right?
You're absolutely right.  MP3 playback is fine.  I foolishly saw the a
192 bitrate and assumed it was an MP3 I was playing!  It's just AAC
that is causing me a problem, which is unfortunate as my entire CD
collection was ripped as AAC a couple of years ago.

Reading that other thread and the associated bug report makes me think
that I must have the same problem as they describe.  Anything being
decoded by the mov123 decoder skips the first half second of the

Thanks for the help.

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