The idea of an "audiophile" SB to me is a non-starter. Why would an
audiophile want a SB w/an integrated amplifier? Audiophiles shun
integrated amplifiers, unless they are the ones that cost several
thousand dollars. Adding a higher-end DAC to the SB also would be
difficult, due to size constraints. Have you guys looked at
audiophile-worthy DAC's? They are large, mainly due to gigantic (and
probably unecessary) power supplies, transformer I/V stages, and
sometimes tubes. Finally, and I've said this before in another thread,
most of audiophilia is about constantly tweaking and changing your
system. An all-in-one "audiophile" SB is a complete oxymoron IMHO. So,
basically, true audiophile won't buy it, and those who are not
audiophiles won't need it. I'm really not sure what the market for a
$1000 SB would be. Can anyone tell me?


SB3->Derek Shek TDA1543/CS8412 NOS DAC->MIT Terminator 2
interconnects->Endler Audio 24-step Attenuators (RCA-direct)->Parasound
Halo A23 125W/ch amplifier->Speltz anti-cables->DIY 2-ways + Dayton
Titanic 10" subwoofer

He's not hi-fi, he's my stereo.
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