I can run slimserver and play music on the squeezebox for approximately
30-45 seconds, and then without fail slimserver stops and slim.exe
disappears from the list of processes.  I have disabled the Windows
firewall as well as the PC-Cillin firewall.  I have a 2wire firewall
running on the modem/router which I can't disable.
http://www.2wire.com/?p=161  This firewall only let's me open the ports
for either the computer or the squeezebox.  I don't even know if the
firewall is causing any problems because I had slimserver running
successfully with my Roku Soundbridge.  I've reinstalled slimserver
several times already.  Does anybody have any idea what would cause
slim.exe to stop after 30-45 seconds of running?  Thanks.

Here are my firewall settings:

Device  Allowed Applications  Application Type  Protocol  Port
Number(s)  Public IP 

DIRTYSOCKS  SlimDiscovery  -  UDP  3483 

DIRTYSOCKS  SlimServer Control  -  TCP  3483 

DIRTYSOCKS  SlimSever Web  -  TCP  9000

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