flocknocker Wrote: 
> I currently have a squeezebox2 . I have a finished barn located 300'
> away from the location of the Squeezebox. Would it be ideal for me to
> run a cat 5 wire to the barn, buy another squeezebox, and link the two
> together so I can enjoy my music out in the barn? Could I get away with
> using a squeezebox 1 in the barn? I could use a few ideas......   
> Thanks in advance!!!

Have you already trenched for electrical and/or telephone?

If you're digging anyway, run 1/2 to 3/4" grey pvc conduit and pull
CAT5 through it. They do make outdoor CAT5 (black jacket) which is not
very expensive, but conduit is not a big deal, so if I were doing it
I'd use both.

NB 300' = 91m. Ethernet is limited to 100m so you're pushing it. Get
the best cable (350MHz CAT5, or CAT6 outdoor if you can find it) and
terminate it as close as reasonably possible to where it comes out of
the ground. Then put a switch on either end and extend from there.

However, while ethernet is best, I wouldn't bother running wire unless
you're already planning to dig. First try ethernet-over-power. That
might not work because of the distance. If you don't mind some
tinkering, you might try 802.11g with directional antennas. About $800
should get you a pair of high quality parabolic dishes, cables, and a
pair of linksys WET54G or similar - I'm not sure what bridges people
use for directional links these days but I guess those would work

Or if you really want to get wanky you can pull fiber...

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