kdf Wrote: 
> search for new and changed causes dupes with lazysearch
Sadly, yes, with SlimServer 6.2/6.3 that is the case. The bugzilla
numbers are #2511 and #2531 (I think your problem is specifically the
first of these two).

This problem is resolved with SlimServer 6.5 and the 6.5-compatible
version of the plugin, but unfortunately I can't apply the same fix to
the 6.2/6.3 version because it relies on a small database change that
has only been made to the 6.5 version (see bug #2625).

By the way, if anyone's listening, I'm still getting around to
refreshing the 6.5 version to be compatible with the post-split-scanner
work that has now dropped into the trunk - I'll post to the plugins list
when that's done, but I've not forgotten.


-"Never put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after
- with Lazy Searching!"-
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