realtyler Wrote: 
> Responses of "get the nightly build" to questions posed makes me
> frustrated...

At least you don't see much of the RTFM answers that you typically see
on Linux/Open Source forums.  Unfortunately, getting information out of
the open source crowd is usually like pulling teeth.  The same thing is
true on a Do It Yourself speaker building forum that I post on.  They
have their know-how and don't like to share it. 

I agree that the product needs to "just work" in order to go big time. 
My Slim Server is working well right now so I doubt I will upgrade any
time soon unless I read that they have all the bugs out or there is a
new feature that I just can't pass up.  I have learned that when there
are "upgrades" on software packages I always read what the fixes are
before I run the patch.  If I'm not having the problems that are
supposed to be fixed and I don't think I'll use the new feature I won't
run the newer version.

You just have to resist the urge to over-tweak.  Newer isn't always
better. ;-)

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