aubuti Wrote: 
> I pretty much agree with this view, and want to add something that is
> obvious, but hasn't been mentioned in this thread, which is that SB is
> multi-platform. So whether SD decided to bundle other programs to
> rip/tag/etc. or develop their own, they'd have to do it for Windows,
> Mac, and Linux. So all the management headaches that radish mentions
> are multiplied by a factor of 3 (at least).

That's true, but the best ripping software is PC-only EAC. I use a Mac
as my server and I use iTunes so that other iTunes-based machines in my
home can access the music as well as my SB. If EAC was cross platform, I
would switch to FLAC and go over to SoftSqueeze for those machines.

I not a big fan of the Slimserver UI, I find it too slow compared to
similar software like iTunes, and it doesn't have built-in ripping.
Having to rip and then start a rescan is pretty horrible compared to
other MP3 software. That's underlined by the recent offering of a
ReadyNAS server as part of the deal - you still can't rip CDs and even
if you could hook up a CD drive to the ReadyNAS, EAC doesn't run on it.
In some ways it's a backwards step, a PC loaded with drives and a RAID
card is a complete solution and it's the route I will go eventually.

OK, so other's have this problem too, but what would be wrong with
offering a complete system in one download for PCs instead of the
piecemeal approach? OK, you can't do it for Mac and Linux, but most of
the world are on Windows, like it or not. 

Perhaps Slim don't mind, but at some point, all us geeks who wanyt an
SB will have one and then what next?


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