Thank you for your rapid response.

I should have figured that "proprietariness" was at least involved, if
not the main reason.

I was motivated by the fact that I find myself listening to internet
radio (via Squeezenetwork) much more than I anticipated I might.  I
suppose because of the availability of niche, very highly focused
streams from Live365 (I listen to several of their stations).  Mp3Pro
is used quite a bit on Live365, and since internet radio is an
explicitly intended use of the SB, I wondered if there might be some
kind of "switch" I could turn on to activate it.

I'm not aware of any open source mp3pro decoder.  But, I'm probably not
a very good source for info such as that.

Assuming mpepro is not available open source, would something like that
be a possible (paid subscription) value-add that could be delivered via

Thanks again.


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