radish Wrote: 
> 6.5 is not even in beta, it's in development. It will break, it will
> have bugs and it will be unusable for much of the time. If you're using
> it, well good luck - now you know what to expect. To criticize an
> application based on a pre-beta dev build of a future version is absurd
> - but of course people should feel free to criticize (constructively!)
> the current release (6.3.1) all they like.

>From a software development standpoint, then, SS is at extreme risk for
not making the Sept 18 deadline.  The software should be in beta with
only 50 or so days left before release. Though I'm happy with 6.3.x and
not using 6.5, from the traffic in these forums it looks like there's
*no way* it's ready to enter beta, and a 60-day beta is the absolute
minimum I've seen to get a true quality release out the door -- both on
software I've worked on and that which I've purchased.

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