I also had a Linksys WMA11B as a previous poster mentioned.  One of the
reasons I eventually replaced it with a SB (actually, 2 of them) was
because of its built-in display.  The on-screen display of the WMA11B
was cool at first, but after a while it became annoying to have to have
the TV on all the time to use it.  Sometimes I just wanted to play a
tune, and it felt like overkill to start the TV and let it warm-up
before choosing my music.  Also, leaving the TV on all day when I just
wanted to have music on in the background (but still see what was
playing), seemed excessive.  Especially since the bulb in my DLP rear
screen projector has a limited lifespan and costs over $300 to replace.

I actually wouldn't mind having a video display *option* to supplement
the built-in display; however, as others have noted, this kind of
feature is somewhat mitigated by its existing web-based functionality. 
For example, if I want the multi-line interactive display akin to what a
TV might display, I can simply log in with my PSP and get those same
benefits as well as carry it around like a remote (who needs a Sanos if
you've got a PSP).

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