Blarg, the system just ate my earlier post.  Short and sweet version: 

I had this problem and fixed it.  Problem was exactly as described,
single quotes in song titles or in album names caused duplicate display
in, e.g., album song lists.  Super annoying.  Always two appearances of
the culprit - never 3.  Examining the URL of the "twins" showed the
filenames were identical.

I have tried to attach a jpg showing the problem.

My setup: server 6.3, SB 2, 2 slimp3's, macos 10.4.  Simple rebuilds of
the sqlite db (or manual deletion followed by rebuild) did not solve.

My music files are in /Users/Shared/Music.  My home dir,
/Users/my-login/Music/iTunes, is symlinked into /Users/Shared/Music.

On closer inspection of my settings, I found the problem was, I gave
the slimserver two ways to find my music files.  

I told it to "use iTunes" to find my music library (hence telling it to
follow the second path named above) as well as manually specifying the
path to my music via the "Music Folder" option (and I gave it the first
path named above).

I think the server might have gone down both paths to add files in. 
And furthermore, I think there is some code in there that is
normalizing the file names to avoid dupes due to symlinks, and that
that code is failing for pathnames containing single quotes.  The code
bit is clever, but IMHO this is a bug -- if the code bit had not been
there, the problem would have been a lot easier to diagnose.  I'm not
saying remove the code bit, just make it work properly.

Incidentally, I seem to remember earlier versions of slimserver did not
follow symlinks properly so you had to specify the root music folder

Hope this helps.

|Filename: dupe-quote.jpg                                           |

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