tektite Wrote: 
> If you create a shortcut in your existing music folder that points to
> the appropriate folder on the new disk, then Slimserver will follow
> it.
> See http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuideToOrganising

Tried creating several links from within the music folder using windows
shortcuts, but it wont follow them.  When I follow the links from within
the /music folder on the Qnap, I can see the destination files fine, so
the links work..but...

Slimserver just sees 'name of the linked folder'.lnk   If I scan
database, it just says nothing found.  If I put an MP3 file within the
directory, it says 1 file found, so it is obviously looking in the
right directory, just not following the links.

Any ideas ?

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