totoro;131334 Wrote: 
> While adding a laptop to my wireless network, i screwed up the username
> password my linksys router uses to connect to my isp.
> This resulted in neither the new laptop nor my squeezebox being able to
> get a new ip address via dhcp.
While I don't doubt that you're having trouble, the authentication of
your router with your ISP should have nothing to do with the operation
of your internal network behind the router.  If it works, you have
access to the Internet, if it fails, you don't.  DHCP on the internal
network should still work, and your PCs and devices on the internal
network should still be able to talk to each other.

> I fixed this, and now the laptop gets an ip address just fine, but the
> squeezebox doesn't. It connects to the network using my WEP key, but
> when it tries to get an ip address it times out and then gives me an
> error message saying that it can't connect to the dhcp server.
Are you sure you didn't disable the DHCP server that runs on the
Linksys when you were changing other things?

> Since the laptop does ok, I'm a little stumped about what could be
> causing this. I did at one point try to set a static ip address, but
> then got to the part where it said to enter in the address of a DNS
> server, and said "duh, I can't do that since my isp hasn't given me a
> static dns address". I'm wondering if some of this info is cached
> somehow, and screwing things up (this doesn't seem at all likely to me,
> but I'm not a networking guy, and I'm flailing for an explanation).
You can enter the IP address of almost any publicly available DNS
server on the Squeezebox.  It's most likely only used for
SqueezeNetwork, so I'd guess that you can probably even skip it.  If
you want to find the DNS server(s) that your laptop is using, do the

Start > Run > cmd

C:\>ipconfig /all

and read the IP addresses of the DNS servers.  Even though they're
assigned via DHCP, they're not likely to change.  Just pick one from
the list and enter it in the Squeezebox.


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