Hi All,

I started a thread a couple of weeks ago about signal strenght.
My SB2 seemed to be much deafer that other wireless devices I have, and
I could not use it at my bedside, 'cause it was more distant from my AP,
with large wall in between and a marble staircase.

To add that, someone stated that SB3 had 30% less reception than SB2,
so I felt on a dead end.

I decided to purchase two SB3s anyway, and I'm happy to say that my SB3
is much more sensitive than SB2, and it works fine placed in my

To give some figures, I get 33% on my SB2 and 70% on my SB3.

I am planning to replace the SB2 antenna with a longer stud, but would
like to know if the insides of SB2 hide any trimmer or is there any
tinkering one can try to inprove wireless range.


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