I have a SB3 in two separate locations and my music library stored on a
networked drive in location #1, and I bring my laptop (running
SlimServer) back and forth between location #1 and #2.  I have LANs in
both locations and am using DynDNS to obtain a static address for LAN
#1.  If it matters, my laptop runs XP Pro sp2.  Is it possible to
access my music library on LAN #1 from my laptop and second SB3 on LAN
#2?  (Streaming mp3 to LAN #2 wouldn't work for me because I would need
to need my laptop at LAN #1, or buy a second PC.)  I've tried several
variants on addressing my music library remotely in SlimServer with
various ports open and can't get it to work, though I may not be using
the right protcol (or port?).  I realize I could just buy a network
drive for LAN #2 but that would be less convenient and way less fun. 
If this set-up isn't possible, does anyone have a suggestion for the
least expensive/quietest/smallest PC to get as a dedicated SlimServer
for LAN #1?

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