)p(;135732 Wrote: 
> Can you elaborate a bit what you feel the pain is as I am thinking on
> going the tv route.

Here's a way to get the TV/no-TV experience yourself:  If you've got a
cable service that has digital music channels, compare using those to
using the Internet radio stations on the Squeezebox.  

You'll find that it takes longer to get started with the cable music,
because 1) you need to turn more stuff on and wait for the TV to warm
up, and 2) the cable box (like the 360 or the iTV) is a multi-purpose
device, so you have to navigate through a bit of stuff to get to the

You'll also probably find that it feels weird to just leave the TV
sitting there lighting up the room while you put background music on
(unless you're the sort of person who puts background TV on for the
noise, I suppose); and that it's basically impossible to just relax at
night by lying down on the couch and listening to some music, what with
the TV fluorescing at you.

And while the TV-based UI in theory could be more usable than the
Squeezebox's, you'll again find that's not really the case.  The SB is
more optimized for music listening than Media Center, your cable box,
or Front Row.  It's not that any of those are bad UIs (except probably
the cable box), it's just that they're general purpose UIs competing
with a specialized device.

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