On 12/09/06, Mike Meyer

Would you be willing to share the commands in this bat file?  That
sounds like a good idea.  I'm at work right now and my SS has
apparently died at home so I'm SOL the rest of the day.

Running from a batch file is pretty simple..

* Firstly, make sure you've got the latest ActivePerl installed
from http://www.activestate.com/

* Shut down slimserver and make sure it's service is either 'manual'
or 'disabled' in control panel->admin tools->services

* Run your batch file.

My main batch file's pretty basic. If slimserver crashes, it restarts it
with lots more debugging turned on. I've got more 'starts' before the
pause so if it's just a random crash it restarts ok.. The file
"E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt" gets written with various dates and

cd E:\SlimServer\server
echo --------- > E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
echo Slimserver Started >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
DATE /T >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
TIME /T >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
start /B /WAIT perl slimserver.pl --d_server
echo Slimserver Crashed >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
DATE /T >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
TIME /T >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
start E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
start /B /WAIT perl slimserver.pl --d_server --d_cli --d_plugin
--d_source --d_remotestream --d_scan --d_artwork
echo Slimserver Crashed again >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
DATE /T >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt
TIME /T >> E:\SlimServer\server\crash.txt

- Dr Lovegrove
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