My Slimserver stops responding every time one of my remotes sends a
specific command. Here is a sample of the Slimserver log file:

2006-09-17 23:08:25.2175 f20a40bf       18830.361       1158527305.21737
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2259 irCode not defined: f20a40bf
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2309 irCode = [] timer = [18830.361] timediff =
[1.86900000000242] last = []
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2356 irCode: , 00:04:20:06:04:21
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2417 irCode not defined: 
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2464 trying to execute button: 
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2512 button  not implemented in this mode
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2711 f20a40bf       18830.414       1158527305.27098
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2778 irCode not defined: f20a40bf.repeat
2006-09-17 23:08:25.2830 irCode = [] timer = [18830.414] timediff =
[0.0529999999998836] last = []
2006-09-17 23:08:25.3781 f20a40bf       18830.522       1158527305.37797
2006-09-17 23:08:25.3848 irCode not defined: f20a40bf.repeat

The last three lines start repeating in the logfile and I have to
restart the Slimserver in order to stop the cycle. Otherwise the same
sequence keeps repeating and the system becomes unresponsive.

I have version 6.3.1 of Slimserver and I run it on Infrant NAS.

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