Michael Herger;138234 Wrote: 
> > - an empty album tag is filled in with what seems to be the last
> known
> > album name (should stay empty)
> I'd say this is a feature: if slimserver doesn't find tag information,
> it  
> tries to do a best guess from your folder/file structure (see Server  
> Settings/Formatting/GUESS TAGS FORMATS)
> [color=blue]

My Format String is ARTIST - TITLE (ALBUM YEAR) **
In previous settings, with the same GUESS TAG FORMAT STRINGS, the
behaviour was more intelligent: ALBUM was left out is the tag was
empty, the same for YEAR. (so I'd expect it to be empty, not 0 )
Even the ( and ) were left out when BOTH were empty. 

Since I also have a few 'container directories' (not following the
standard naming for the guess tags) the 'old' behaviour is  much
better. I'd still say it's a bug, not a feature 


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