kklemme;139385 Wrote: 
> But now I'm hopeful that I can transcode and add volume leveling on the
> fly. It seems like a lot of processing on the fly, but like I
> questioned above maybe it always tries to stay "one file ahead" or
> something like that. 
No, slimserver doesn't have any support for calculating volume
adjustments itself, it can only go on tags already in the files. As for
adding them during transcoding, it's all done in realtime so there's not
really an opportunity to prescan the file. Sorry! 

> That would also explain why fast forwarding and rewind will not work
> properly with transcoded files...not a big deal in my estimation.
FF/REW doesn't work because there's no way for slimserver to tell the
external decoder to speed up or start going backwards - it's just
reading a stream of data coming in and passing it to the player.

I wouldn't think the change to add support for the WMA volume tags
would be particularly tough, so it's probably worth opening an
enhancement request.

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