I did all kinds of trouble shooting hoping to find out that something
else but the reach of my wireless is tha problem, but it seems that you
are right. 

Now, I still feel stupid, because I don't understand this: 
If the signal dropped all the bleeding time, causing interruptions, I
would understand why the communication buffers, skips, stales, play and
then skips again. 
But: in my case I just happen to have a low, constant,never dropping
signal and the result is the same... Why? 
Can I get a quasi-techno explanation on this? 

So I can understand why drops to 0% signal will produce hicups. I can
even understand why craming lots of datacom into a limited bandwith
would produce hicup. 

What I can not understand, intuitively, is why a weak signal produces

Please bear with my stupidity, and if you feel in a generous mood,
please give it a shot at enlightning me.

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