thoeng;143953 Wrote: 
> I also tried to edit the fstab file and add code as you wrote but it
> says that i am not the owner of the file and therefore i can't edit it
> :( my user is eri and i am the owner of course but it says there the
> owner is "root" i don't know how to log in as root to edit the file
If Ubuntu 6.06 is like earlier versions, you just use "sudo" to gain
root privileges. So you would go to a command line and type "sudo nano
/etc/fstab". It would then prompt you for a password, and as long as
you're the one who installed Ubuntu, you can just give your usual
password and it will let you in as root. You will then be in the text
editor "nano", with /etc/fstab open for editing. Be careful, because
root is the all-powerful user, so it's possible to muck things up if
you're not careful.

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