sicoffey;147237 Wrote: 
> Hats off,  sounds like a fine patch to me.   Is there some way I can
> "vote" for its inclusion into the code? (although I fear it wouldnt get
> back ported to 6.3 for my little NSLU2..)

Dr Lovegrove's detailing of the query definitely explains the
performance/disk hit I've seen - that seems like an incredibly
inefficient way to pull a random track.  I imagine the intersection
with selected genres is part of the problem - it necessitates creating
a subset of all tracks before pulling a random track out of it.  Since
99% of the time I listen to complete random, with no genres deselected
or singled out, it would be nice to have it intelligently realize that
fact and take the quicker path of picking a random rowid from the range
of available tracks...

Thanks for the thinking, Dr Lovegrove... I imagine it's not quite so
simple as your suggested patch, but I'd love to be wrong!  Let me know
if there's a bug/enhancement that I could vote on, too :)

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