junien;147410 Wrote: 
> Let me introduce myself. My name is Junien Labrousse, Logitech SVP of
> the Entertainment and Communication Business Unit. 
> The first thing I'll say is that we are very excited about the
> opportunity that Slim Devices will bring to Logitech. This is 
> a great extension of our current business. Let me assure you that one
> of the main reasons for this acquisition is the development
> capabilities of the Slim Devices team. The technical level of this
> group is a key asset that we fully intend to leverage. The Slim Devices
> entity will function independently, keeping the spirit of advance audio
> technology and strong product innovation. 
> Logitech will bring its global distribution and marketing capabilities,
> providing a jump start to a large visibility and adoption of Slim
> Devices products.
> Junien


Welcome to our world!  Congratulations on selecting a great acquisition
target.  You have acquired a great team with strong design and
development skills.  I am sure that your marketing and distribution
skills will assist in extending the addressable market of the

Unlike some of the people here I think that Logitech is a good match. 
Sure the Logitech will move into new terrain in some senses but in
others it has long been associated with quality premium products.  My
MX700 was reasonably expensive for a mouse when I bought it (just after
launch) and was by far the most expensive mouse I had ever bought.  Why
did I buy it?  Because it was the best and a quality product, with
excellent build standards.  Very similar to the reasons why I bought my

Sean et al,

A good move and I hope you grasp this opportunity to acheive greatness.
I personally had worried that the old smaller Slim Devices would
struggle to grow in the face of increasing competition from Apple etc
and would end up limited to a niche market.  I now think that there is
every reason why the squeezebox can become the leading brand in digital
home audio.

On a personal note, I like most other people here am very attached to
the Squeezebox and may find future brand changes difficult, however if
it brings a healthy future to SlimDevices, it's people and products
then I for one am very pleased.



"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion."
-Robert Burns-
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