I've read the 27 pages(probably 28 by the time I post this) of the
hand-wringing, grousing, congrats, and various 'special interest'
concerns about the Logitech acquisition, and am, for the most part,
amused. I suppose that, because of my age, I see things a bit
differently and prefer to look at this in a larger context. I think its
important to remind, or introduce for the first time, a few concepts and
facts that  germane to the discussion.

1. Change is inevitable. Live it, or live with it.

2. SD has, up to this point, introduced products that are a real value
to those of us who enjoy listening to high quality music reproduction.
No one is going to confiscate it or charge you anything more for
continuing to use it. It stands as a testament to the management team
of SD as a benchmark of the way companies should conduct any kind of
business. Sean and company deserve every accolade and monetary benefit
they've been able to garner. If SD were to cease to exist tomorrow, 
we'd still enjoy the fruits of their labors. Their contribution to the
enjoyment of music , IMHO, is as great as the CD itself.

3. Call me naive, but the evidence exists that Logitec will let SD
continue to operate as it has until such time that it ceases to grow in
the manor it has in the past. The ball is in SD's court to continue to
innovate and develop products and services that retain old customers
and attract new ones. Why would Logitec mess with this proven track
record? It would be against their shareholders best interest.
Observations that SD is swirling the drain are premature. If Logitech's
objective were to kill SD, then you wouldn't be reading this post. 

I look forward to the day, in 5 years, when I'll have a SB6 in my shirt
pocket. A flash based 2 terabyte device that uses QUAC( quantum
universal audio codec) files, controlled by a Harmony fob, in my pants
pocket, and viewable on the Logitech MONacle( media optical nexus),
available in prescription at extra cost,  and streams HD audio, and
video if you choose, to any wifi enabled audio, or HT, system within
50ft. ;)))!

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