... after a bit more digging ...
perhaps z-wave is not a good way to handle graphics.

It runs at 9600bps (i.e. like old serial link) - but sends small
packets with very low user data space.

>From their FAQ
Is there any limit to how long frames I can send? 

To reduce the risk of collisions, and also to reduce the time a device
needs to wait when doing a random back-off in those situations where
collisions do occur, we have limited the frame size of a Z-Wave
Command. You can send up to 54 bytes of data in a single frame, but
most commands will only contain 2-4 bytes of application command data.
If you need to transfer larger amounts of data between two devices,
your application will need to split it up into smaller bites, and then
reassemble them at the receiving end. 

So - perhaps the RF function of the top-end remotes could be used to
download images but looks like it would have to use some other

Paul Webster

Paul Webster
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