Personally, even with a backup, I am paranoid enough to want to keep a
copy of the original media for dire emergencies ... I've invested too
many years building up my CD collection to take the risk of losing it

And, having just had my 6-month old 400GB backup disk die on me (good
thing it had a 5-year warranty!), I am proof of the fact that media
does fail.  I spent several very nervous days waiting for the
replacement to arrive, thinking about all the labor that went into
ripping my CDs being for naught if my primary drive decided to die
before the replacement arrived.

Not to mention, who knows what format you might want your music in 20
years from now ... and whether there will be a transcoder from FLAC to
that format ... low odds of this being a problem, I know, but the odds
are not zero ...

Personally, I'd pay the extra insurance, just for the peace of mind.

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