My album art library works by the presence of a 'cover.jpg' file in
each folder and that has worked so far.  I did have an initial problem
with two albums displaying the same art work and was able to correct
this by using the extended tags in MP3Tag but the thought of doing it
for a couple of thousand files or so doesn't inspire - especially when
it may not even solve the problem.

Sounds like I'm stuck with it then.  Not that it actually matters
because I can start slimserver and use the squeezebox I just don't like
it when I know that somewhere things are not working as they should.

I'll see what tech support turn up.  Appreciate you taking the time out
to help.




Wired squeezebox, WinXP SP2, SlimServer 6.5 v 2006-11-23, Player
Firmware Version: 69
Andyb01's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7734
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29976

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