Regnad;159704 Wrote: 
> I use a Palm TX to control SS and enter the X.X.X.X IP address to do
> this.  The last number changes from time to time and I don't know why. 
> Usually it is 101, 106 or 104.  
> How can I keep it the same?
> Thanks for any advice...
More information is needed.

What does your network look like?  What devices and computers are on
the network, and how are they connected, starting with (assuming you
have an Internet connection) the 'modem' connected to your ISP.

Do those IP addresses all begin with 192.168?

What operating system is running on the computer that runs SlimServer?

It may be as simple as entering a fixed IP address into the computer
running SlimServer, but may be a bit more involved.


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