You're right about the filemon false positive overflow message.

I turned on all the debug flags and run the scanner again. The scanner
just seems to ignore all the files in those directories on the server.

Next I tried copying four files closer to the root (on the network
share). The scanner found them fine. Then I run the scanner again on
the original location deeper in the directory structure (with --wipe
flag). Surprisingly, this time it found the 4 files I copied before,
but not the rest of the album in that same directory. 

I don't think I'm seeing a permission issue here, I wonder if there is
a problem with the code that's reconciling the existing and new entries
in the database.

I assume the scanner.exe is compiled from the perl module. Is there any
way I can debug that perl module myself? 
Can someone please post a quick link for how to do that? Can I step
through the code or would I need to dump to collections to the standard

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