timrfletcher;165799 Wrote: 
> I knew I was going to regret getting involved with this. On one hand
> you're right, I wouldn't have to retag, but it would involve
> considerable changes to my existing scripts and configurations.
> On the other hand, why are you being such a pain in the ass about this?
> Why can't somebody express an opinion without you posting a
> condescending reply?

Why is my reply condescending?

Skip the disclaimer part if you wish: you said you had to retag and I
was trying to figure out why.  It didnt make any sense to me at all why
you would.  And then you agreed you didn't... okay, that answered that.

But since you didn't seem to have a moral "I shall not rearrange
tracks" thing going on, just a "this is a real pain in the ass"
thing... I figured it could be helpful to figure out where the pain in
the ass is coming from and fix that?

How on earth is that condescending: when someone says "this doesn't
work the way I want, and I tried changing it but that sucked
completely" ... isn't "well, lets figure out why it was so hard to
rearrange stuff" a good answer?  Odds are you have the tools on your
system already to do that, showing you how to use them to do what you
want would be a good thing.

The disclaimer is because for some unknown reason, Adriaan thinks I
care about how he organizes his music (as you can see, he replied...). 
I don't.

And since you seem to want a disclaimer: I Do Not Care How You Organize
Your Music.  If you have no moral bias against rearranging stuff (which
you don't seem to have: you said you started the process), but a "this
is a pain in the ass, why can I not make this stupid computer do what
rote work" problem, I am quite willing to help you make the stupid
computer do rote work....

If the subtext is "i refuse to change my ways, make slimserver change"
then go vote for the bug...  But don't confuse the issue with "I tried
to reorganize but it was a pain in the ass to change tags and rename
things" sorts of comments.  That is asking for help in tagging and

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