geraint smith;166838 Wrote: 
> er....I hate to contradict Eric, but there is in fact an option in
> iTunes to sample at either 48kHz or 44.1kHz (in the "Preferences -
> importing - custom" menu).
> I leave it at 44.1kHz, myself. There's some debate about whether
> sampling at the higher rate will do anything for ripping CDs

I do know there's an OPTION to rip at 48kHz, but you're wasting
bandwidth!  Since the original was at 44.1kHz and has a 'brick-wall'
filter at 20kHz, there's NO reason to re-sample (rip) at anything other
than the original 44.1kHz... THERE'S NOTHING THERE!!  You're just making
the file LARGER for no reason (please excuse the CAPS, but I'm hoping it
makes a point).

I'd guess that Apple gave you the option IF anyone ever came up with a
way to rip HIGHER SR material down to 48kHz, i.e. 96k or 192k DVD-A,

As far as transferring from vinyl, if you're planning on putting the
final product on CD, you're still better off recording at 44.1k or
88.2k.  If your record at 48k then SRC down to 44.1k, the math involved
is not as easy to accomplish as if going from 88.2 to 44.1.  Of course
this also depends on whose SRC you're using.

I still offer the best option of keeping it at 44.1kHz if that's your
final product, yet record at 24-bit whenever possible. 

I've been in the mastering/recording business since 1971 and have tried
and tested it all.  TRUST ME!!  Taking an original 44.1k recording up to
48k/88.2k/96k/176.4k/192k does NOTHING except make your file
L-A-R-G-E-R!!!  You gain NOTHING because there's nothing to get back. 
However, if you're planning on editing the original file at all, then
get it to 24-bit before you start.  Even if there's no data there,
every time you change the file you're getting as close back to the
original 'number' as possible.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
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