kkottman;168071 Wrote: 
> folks- Had a SB3 since August and starting having issues with it in the
> Nov timeframe due to upgrade of server side.  Thanks to you all I have
> been able to resolve every issue I have encountered to date. 
> Unfortunately I am now having a problem I cant seem to be able to
> troubleshoot at all.  After using the unit for 5-6 hours yesterday I
> awoke this morning to find the SB3 player itself completely dark - that
> is I cannot seem to get anything at all on the screen...I tried
> unplugging-replugging and I have verified that the unit is getting
> power because of the red glow in the optical slot - and the powersupply
> is protected by a monster power conditioner/supressor - however no
> matter what I try I cannot get anything on the screen.  The server side
> says cannot find the player and everything had been working great
> yesterday.
> Sadly, as if kicking a dog when he is down, the "search" function in
> this very forum seems to die and deliver a 404 error anytime I use more
> that 16 characters in my search string so I have not been able to search
> on specific topics but thats another story....Anyone have any ideas? 
> Many thanks in advance-
> <KK

My SB2 had a similar problem, the wifi card burned out and was causing
it to not boot properly.  If you have a wifi version, it might be worth
calling support and investigating.

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