tommypeters;165342 Wrote: 
> I wonder how the "Archos 604 WIFI 30GB" would compare to a Nokia 770?
> The Archos would be useful as a mobile media player (and as a DVR with
> the DVR addon) and its use as a SB remote would only be secondary - but
> I wonder how the processor, responsiveness and the 4,3" 480*272 screen
> would compare to the Nokia...? Seems much more useful for me, except
> for the much lower resolution (Nokia has 800*480)
> (the WIFI model is a new version of the Archos 604)

hi. i'm new to the forum.

my squeezebox arrived from amazon this afternoon, so haven't set it up

i also bought an archos 604 wifi last week that i've set up on a
wireless network at home. browsing t'internet is pretty difficult on
the small screen, but is ok when in the docking station (will be better
when i get round to buying a 32" tv!)

i'll report back on how well it works as a remote in a couple of days
hopefully - if i can get it all up and running.

what i also wanted to ask (but maybe a separate thread would be a
better place to do so?) is, can i setup a playlist so that both
squeezebox (in my kitchen) and archos (in my lounge) can play the same
tracks at the same time (for a party)?

thanks, and hope to get to know you a bit better as time goes on.

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