Wow.  I've not ever read a thread on any other forum where such an
obviously flawed "feature" has been defended and excused to this

It doesn't matter that the Squeezebox has no "off" - that's not the
point.  The point is that its small amount of firmware should have
enough code in it to handle the power button on the remote. If a
message is on the screen, for whatever reason, pressing that power
button should remove it and put the display into either its screensaver
state (which needs a server) or blank (if the server is down).

That addresses the reasonable complaint about the power button.

The first issue should never have happened at all. The player, though
connected to the network is still in an "OFF" state. It was chosen with
the power button.  When the server goes down in such a case the screen
should probably just go blank. Only pressing the power button should
then show the message that the server is down.

Come on, this is all really basic usability.  The first post was
certainly over the top, but the resplies just added a ton of noise to
the thread when instead some recommendations could have been made for
the needed changes in the SB firmware and SN back end.

Back to the original poster...  Write emails and call support and/or
file bugs if you want anything done or want to be heard. Posting in the
forum will just get you pages and pages of noise and a small chance a
nice Slim developer will catch your thread.

And never, ever post saying anything that can be construed as anti-SB,
even if you love the product line and only want to see it improved.
There are simply far too many people here that won't agree and simply
label you a heretic. ;)


*'Twisted Melon - Fine Mac OS Software' ( |
'mira - Personal Control for your Apple Remote'
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