andyg;174518 Wrote: 
> Here's what I'm going to do: I will add a pref to 6.5.2 that allows you
> to disable direct-streaming mode for mp3 streams.  This will revert to
> the pre-6.5 way of streaming that you all report works just fine.  I
> should have this in today so you can try tonight's nightly and see if
> things improve.  The pref will be per-player and will be located under
> Player Settings -> Audio called 'MP3 Streaming Method' or something
> like that.

Thanks. I had high hopes. Which took only a few minutes to dash.

With the "proxied" setting, I was able to connect to a saved URL that I
knew had a good chance of playing directly, and it played for 13 minutes
then stopped. Rebuffering did not succeed, it never went past 0% (but
there was no interruption in the internet access). 

I then tried again going to a Shoutcast playlist URL - by doing a
search in the Shoutcast directory for Ambient Psy, then choosing
Digitally Imported Ambient Psy. If I understand this correctly (based
on what I see both with Winamp and with HexRadio on Roku), this
connects to a sort of virtual playlist of streams that the player then
cycles through looking for one to connect to. Both Winamp and HexRadio
usually settle for about the 8th or 9th on the list - SS/SB3 simply
sits there saying "Checking Stream" for as long as I have my Station
timeout set (I even increased it to 90 secs), but does not initiate a
play. This is actually an improvement or at least change, it used to
come back with an "Error getting playlist" most of the time before.

I tried again using the URL ( plucked from
winamp's successful play display. Played for another 10 minutes or so
then stopped, rebuffering went as far as 4% though. (Not quite

Tried to play the URL again. This time SS crashed - locked up. had to
stop the service and restart it. 

Overall I would say we have change, but this does not really constitute
a solution for me. Winamp and HexRadio continue to work without a

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